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Gee, it's fun learning to play!

The U.S. Virgin Islands' Premier Music School!
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The Latest Music School Updates:
G-Clef Reopens May 12 for IN PERSON Music Lessons
May 6, 2020
In the midst of the worldwide Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, G-Clef Music Academy has some very good news for families.  G-Clef is REOPENING ON TUESDAY, MAY 12 to resume IN PERSON music lessons on the islands of St. Thomas and St. Croix.  This reopening gives a great relief to parents who are desperately seeking a positive outlet for their children to participate.  Since the self-quarantine mandate in mid March, G-Clef Music Academy has been offering ONLINE music lessons.  G-Clef will continue to offer this option of ONLINE lessons, while providing IN PERSON lessons at its two locations.

Music has many benefits to children and adults.  Scientific evidence has proven that, "Playing a musical instrument (as opposed to simply listening to music) engages practically every area of the brain at once...and playing music strengthens brain function."  ALL ages (ages 3 to 93) can learn how to play an instrument.  G-Clef Music Academy offers music lessons in piano, guitar, drums, ukulele, steel pan, violin, voice and more.  "The COVID-19 crisis has drastically changed life for everyone.  Self-quarantine has caused 'cabin fever' and immensely limited the activities of families.  We are very excited to offer a way out of the house...a way back to a new normal.  Though we are providing IN PERSON lessons on St. Thomas and St. Croix, we'll continue our ONLINE lessons for those who are still unable to leave their homes," said Academy Director, James H. Gumbs, Jr.

Weekly music lessons can be scheduled Tuesday through Saturday at G-Clef Music Academy's St. Thomas location in Mandela Circle or their St. Croix location in the Sunny Isle Shopping Center (Unit #13). Upon reopening, the Virgin Islands premier music school will adhere to the "Safer At Home" guidelines outlined by Governor Albert Bryan, Jr.  These guidelines include wearing face masks, hand washing, increased sanitizing, and practicing social distancing.  G-Clef's spacious facilities make it easy to maintain safe distancing between teachers and students.  "We encourage parents and adults to call us to register over the phoneat (340) 344-6449," added James H. Gumbs, Jr.   
May 6, 2020
May 5, 2020
We are excited to resume in person lessons at our two locations in St. Thomas and St. Croix, effective Tuesday, May 12th!  Please read this memo in its entirety, so that you are aware of all requirements and changes in our operation.

As many of you have seen or heard, Governor Albert Bryan, Jr. has opened many businesses in the U.S. Virgin Islands on May 4th, according to his “Safer At Home” executive order. Our reopening requires us to adhere to CDC safety guidelines, so there are some actions that YOU MUST DO.

Here's a brief overview of the “SAFER AT HOME” SAFETY GUIDELINES: 

1. In an effort to ensure that parents and students are updated with any changes, we are requesting that all parents/students SIGN IN with our Receptionist at our main office/front desk. We ask that every student upon arrival wash their hands. 

 2. Students and parents are also required to wear a face mask upon arrival. G-Clef teachers and staff will be wearing face masks when interacting with students. We have complimentary face masks available FREE to all current students and parents who may have forgotten to bring their masks. The mask can be discarded after use. 

3. We encourage the frequent use of hand sanitizers by students, teachers, and staff. Hand sanitizers are available in each instruction room, as well as in common areas. 

4. All instruments and equipment will be sanitized. Additionally, we have hired a professional cleaning service to deep clean each school weekly. 

5. Social distancing of 6 feet apart will be practiced. G-Clef has spacious music rooms, so it will be easy to maintain a safe distance between teachers, students and staff. 

6. We ask that for now, you do not wait in the waiting areas, but that you wait in your vehicle while you or your child’s lesson is being held. If you arrive early, please either call the office at (340) 344-6449 or text our mobile phone at (340) 690-6449 to let us know that you are here, and we will let you know when your teacher is ready for you. Then, we’ll buzz you in and you’ll sign in at our main office/front desk.

ONLINE LESSONS WILL CONTINUE.  For those who would prefer to stay at home, you will continue to have the option to have your lessons ONLINE, for as long as you'd like. It is your choice as to when you would like to resume in person lessons with us. Online lessons will always be an option for you.

Reopening May 12:  
Important Memo from Academy Director
May 5, 2020
James H. Gumbs, Jr.
Academy Director
G-Clef Music Academy
August 17, 2020
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ONLINE LESSONS ONLY:  August 17 - 31
Due to Reenactment of Stay-at-Home Order
August 17, 2020
USVI Governor Albert Bryan, Jr. reenacted the stay-at-home order for the Territory on August 13, 2020 to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus. "The recent infiltration of the virus into our residential institution that house vulnerable members of our population creates an alarming level of risk," said Governor Bryan.  In compliance with this STAY-AT-HOME ORDER, which spans from AUGUST 17 to AUGUST 31, G-CLEF MUSIC ACADEMY WILL CONDUCT ALL of its ST. THOMAS and ST. CROIX music lessons ONLINE during this period. 

We will continue to hold each music lesson at its regularly scheduled day and time. Our instructors will conduct your ONLINE music lesson from their home utilizing the ZOOM app. If you are unfamiliar with how to use the ZOOM app, need more information about installing this app, or you need the ID and password, please text to 340-690-6449 or email us at 

Please save the ID and password designated for each music teacher, because we will use the same credentials each week. We anticipate that this order will only last for two weeks. If you have to change your lesson day and/or time, due to scheduling conflicts during this period, please let us know as soon as possible. 

G-Clef Music Academy is USVI strong and therefore resilient. We will get through these two weeks together. We will remain VIRTUALLY OPEN on St. Thomas and St. Croix. We will also continue to enroll students (ages 3 to 93) who would like to start ONLINE in August, or start in September for IN PERSON or ONLINE lessons. All NEW students can register over the phone. We will continue to offer ONLINE music lessons as an option for those students who prefer to stay at home. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance with your ONLINE lessons or ANYTHING ELSE. We appreciate your support and we are very happy to support you.

Warmest regards,
James H. Gumbs, Jr.
Academy Director
G-Clef Music Academy
St. Thomas & St. Croix
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Christmas 2021
JOY TO THE WORLD...the Lord is come. Let earth receive her King! Let every heart prepare Him room...and heaven and nature sing, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven and heaven and nature sing!  
December 2021/January 2022