Call Us At: 340-344-6449
Gee, it's fun learning to play!

The U.S. Virgin Islands' Premier Music School!
*Student's Name:                                                                                                                                                               

*Age:                                             *Gender                                                    *Date of Birth                                                          Ethnicity (optional)   

*Parent's Name:                                                                                                                                                             *Does Student Reside in the U.S. Virgin Islands? 

*Mailing Address:                                                                                                                                                           If NO, please state where student resides.


*State:                                                         *Zip Code:

Work Phone (Area Code and Phone):

Home Phone (Area Code and Phone):

*Cell Phone (Area Code and Phone):

*Email Address:

*Confirm Email Address: 

*How did you hear about us?:


*Emergency Contact Person(s):                            

*Relationship to Student:

Emergency Contact's Work Phone:

Emergency Contact's Home Phone:

Emergency Contact's Cell Phone:


Name of Pickup Person(s):

(Each pickup person MUST supply an ID for G-Clef files)

Proof of Insurance Required
Must Provide Insurance Card at Registration

Insurance Provider:

Policy Number:


Does your child have any allergies? (please select)

If yes, please explain:

Does your child have any special needs?  (please select)

If yes, please explain:  

In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 through local relay or the Federal relay at (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866) 377-8642 (relay voice users). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Day(s) of the Week, 90-Minute Summer Music Adventure Time group classes, and the number of Weeks (Check ALL that Apply)
Students, ages 4 years old and some who are 5 years old, learn through Music Exploration, which includes several instruments, such as piano, guitar, drums, steel pan, ukulele, bass drum, voice, violin, and more!

June 5, 2023 to June 30, 2023 (4 Weeks)
Please enter your child's STARTING and ENDING DATES AND the TOTAL NUMBER OF WEEKS to be enrolled in Summer Music Adventure Time. 

*Camp Start Date:                                   Camp End Date:

*Total Number of Weeks of Enrollment:     

*I, Parent/Individual Over 18, have read, understand and ACCEPT the IMPORTANT NOTES, TUITION PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS, AND POLICIES listed below. I ACCEPT responsibility for all charges that may be incurred.  I AGREE to all policies, terms, statements and payment terms of G-Clef Music Academy's 2023 Summer Music Adventure Time agreement.  I ALLOW G-Clef Music Academy full promotional use of photographs and videos taken of the above registered student at G-Clef Music Academy’s summertime and other events.

G-Clef Music Academy presents 
Youth Orchestra 
Afternoons in the SUMMER 
2024 Application
A FOUR-week music adventure awaits 

 AT 1: 9:00am-10:30am • AT 2: 10:30am-12:00pm 


1)  We accept valid credit/debit cards. Any balance owed to G-Clef Music Academy MUST be paid prior to enrollment to 2023 Summer Music Adventure Time or any class to be scheduled. All scheduled music classes with G-Clef Music Academy are pre-paid. 
2)  MULTIPLE NEW STUDENTS who are enrolled from ONE FAMILY will receive a reduction in their registration fee. The registration fee will be $50.00 per family (Minimum 2 student siblings in family). IT IS BEST TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF REGISTRATION-SAVING OPPORTUNITIES!!
3)  COVID-19 CONSIDERATION LOCATION: Please adhere to Camp Rules/Rewards Sheet. If a student is feeling sick, has a temperature, and/or is experiencing any COVID and/or flu symptoms, G-Clef Music Academy requires that any ill student remain home until he/she is well and/or tested negative for COVID. Students arriving for each day of Summer Music Adventure Time MUST sanitize their hands at the front door AND wash his/her hands in the restroom. G-Clef Music Academy uses spacious rooms for music classrooms that can hold up to 5 students per class. Students can choose to wear masks and choose to practice social distancing. Students must wash hands before and after BREAKS, whether it’s for a bathroom or snack break. G-Clef Music Academy teachers may also choose to wear a mask. Instruments, sticks, etc. are sanitized before and after each Summer Music Adventure Time. 
4)  All students are required to have a copy of their present immunization card on file at G-Clef Music Academy.  
5)  Each 90-Minute Adventure Time includes 30 minutes of piano, 30 minutes of drums, and 30 minutes of steel pan group instruction. ONE instrument per 30-minute class. The classes may not be given in this order.
6)  Students, who are age 4 and some who are 5, will experience MUSIC EXPLORATION for their 90-minute Adventure Time, which includes piano, drums, steel pan; as well as other string and percussion instruments, like violin, guitar, ukulele, chimes, bells, shakers, etc. All presented in a fun way!
7)  IMPORTANT: If there are fewer than THREE students for any 90-MINUTE Adventure Time group class, we will ask that you choose another 90-Minute group music Adventure Time that has a minimum of 3 students. This may require a change of day and/or time of the student's Adventure Time, based on availability.
8)  Each 90-Minute group music Adventure Time has a maximum number of students allowed to be in the classroom at one time. Once that maximum number is achieved; then that Adventure Time class will be closed and no additional students will be allowed. Students will be placed in another Adventure Time, based on availability.  
9)  Requests for CHANGES in a student’s schedule may lead to changes in the day and/or time of the Summer Music Adventure Time. Acceptance of any changes is based on availability.
10)  BREAK TIMES: The first short Morning Break is at 9:45am and the second short Morning Break is at 11:15am. Break Times give students a chance to get water and/or use the restroom. G-Clef Music Academy has a WATER COOLER on location that uses Le Bleu Water. IF A STUDENT DECIDES TO BRING HIS/HER OWN SNACK FOR A BREAK, HE/SHE WILL BE ASKED TO EAT THE SNACK OUTSIDE AT A TABLE (in the waiting area): Please indicate any allergies on this form. STUDENTS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO USE THE REFRIGERATOR OR THE MICROWAVE!
11)  Students are expected to follow the Summer Music Adventure Time Rules. A Rules/Rewards Sheet will be supplied on the first day of sessions.
12)  Drop off and Pickup Requirements: Drop off time and Pickup time is no more than a half hour before or after each student’s first or last music Adventure Time. G-Clef Music Academy is dedicated to regulations that will ensure the safety of your child; hence Summer Music Adventure Time students can only be released to adults whose ID’s are on file as designated pickup parents/guardians. G-Clef requires maintaining on file a photo ID of all of the adults/recipients who are authorized to pick-up your child. Children cannot leave the premises on their own, unless it has been approved by their parent/guardian. There will be a daily sign in/out sheet for parents/guardians at G-Clef Music Academy’s Summer Music Adventure Time site. Summer Music Adventure Time students MUST be signed in on Sign-in Sheet prior to proceeding to group Adventure Times. Each child must be met at the facility by the designated responsible adult/recipient, who is 18 years of age or older and SIGNED OUT. G-Clef keeps attendance records. Missed group Summer Music Adventure Time classes are noted.  
13)  If a student arrives late for a group music Adventure Time, their time will not be extended beyond the agreed scheduled time. The instructor will not make up lost time due to a student’s late arrival.
14)  Parents are required to give as much notice as possible if any group music Adventure Time(s) will be missed. We cannot guarantee a make-up group Adventure Time. If there is availability (at another time and/or day), a make-up group music Adventure Time may be offered. Should an instructor need to be absent, a substitute instructor might be provided for the student(s). If a substitute cannot be provided, then a make-up class will be scheduled (based on availability).
15)  DO NOT BRING TOYS/ELECTRONIC ITEMS: If you elect to send electronic items, toys and/or games with your child, G-Clef Music Academy is NOT RESPONSIBLE for those items! Please refer to RULES/REWARDS for policies. Parents sign CHECKLIST that the Rules/Rewards sheet was received.
16)  REFUND/DISCONTINUATION OF SUMMER MUSIC ADVENTURE TIME POLICY (MUST COMPLETE A WITHDRAWAL FORM). There will be NO reimbursement for any funds, including the registration fee that has already been paid to G-Clef Music Academy. Applicable credit will be considered in future enrollment/placements.

The U.S Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities). If you wish be to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at http://www.ascr.usda.go/complaint_filing_cust.html, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish).  

Summer Music Adventure Time dates and rates subject to change without notice.

Youth Orchestra Afternoons in the Summer
Registration Application 2024
(one student per application)
After you submit, you will be taken to a payment portal.  You MUST complete the secure payment page in order to register for G-Clef Music Academy's 2023 Summer Music Adventure Time. 
Don't lose your 
child's space,
at the place 
where music and 
learning are fun!
We welcome beginners, intermediate and advanced musicians to join our Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday sessions, from 3:00pm to 6:00pm. 
We supply the instruments.  Students provide the interest.
It's a music adventure no serious music lover should miss!
Website designed by G-Clef Music Academy © 2024
NO COST. FREE Youth Orchestra Program
We have LIMITED SPACE, so only SERIOUS students are going to be chosen.  Please complete the application below and we'll get back to you.
If your child LOVES MUSIC...
Please don't give them another boring summer!!
June 4 to 28
AGES 7 to 17
This project is jointly supported by a grant from the Virgin Islands Council on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts in Washington, DC, a federal agency. The St. Croix Summer Workshop is also being supported by G-Clef Music Academy and the VI Housing Authority.
It's Takes Partnerships